
Catholic Daughters of America

Meet: 1st Tues of the month - Mar through Dec at 6PM at the Unity Hall 

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Saint Rita 534, meet ten times a year. Activities include the Watertown Banquet, Catholic Daughter Day, Annual Life Saver distribution, the annual White Ribbon distribution and the Youth Education contest. The Catholic Daughters host an annual card party as a major fundraiser to fund charitable donations to local concerns and support to our court seminarian. They are available to pray the rosary upon one’s passing. We offer a scholarship to a Catholic high school senior each year. Open to all Catholic women, lay and religious who are eighteen years and older.                 

Knights of Columbus

Meet: All Knights meet the 1st Tues of the month at 7:30PM and the 4th Degree Knights meet the 3rd Tues of the month at 7:30PM at the Unity Hall.

The Knights of Columbus, Council 859 are actively involved in our community of Watertown, SD with various activities and functions throughout the year. The KC’s participate in the ministries at Mass one Sunday per month at both Immaculate Conception and Holy Name of Jesus.  

Open to Catholic Men 18 years and up. If you are interested in becoming a KC Member, you may contact Grand Knight Mike Roethler. Visit their Facebook page to see all of  the great things these men do for our community and state. 


Serra ministry

Meet: 1st and 3rd Sat each month 

Rosary: 7:30am; Mass 8:00am; coffee & an inspirational speaker

The Watertown Area Serra Ministry supports, encourages and prays for all holy vocations especially to the priesthood and consecrated life. In addition, our ministry assists its members in recognizing and responding to God’s call to holiness in our own lives. Although held at Immaculate Conception Parish, Serra Minsitry is open to all. 

Meals on Wheels

Meals are delivered to home bound throughout Watertown, and Immaculate Conception Parish participates in this ministry on a rotating basis. Once every six weeks we are called on to provide shuttle service for meals. It takes approximately 30 minutes a day for one week. The rewards of getting to know, and sharing fellowship with, those in our community who may not be able to get out anymore are priceless. If you would like to share in this ministry please call the parish office at 605.886.4049. 


Meet: 1st and 3rd Mon of each month at 1PM - Parish Center Basement

The Quilting ministry exists to maximize the creative talents of parishioners who have a passion for quilting, combined with prayer. The quilt is not just a gift. It is a gift of love and of prayer. It is a statement of faith in God and in His power to comfort, strengthen, and heal. If you have a passion for sewing and would like to assist in creating beautiful quilts for our share baskets at Christmas time, we welcome you.

Rosary Makers

Meet: 2nd Mon each month - 1PM - Church Hall

The rosary makers at Immaculate Conception Parish share their gift of beading rosaries. These rosaries are sent all over the world to missionaries, missions, third world countries and prisons. This ministry relies solely upon monetary donations to cover materials and shipping costs. They package 400 rosaries to a box and receive orders by the thousands. This ministry is open to all teens through adult.