we have a new website
The parishes of the Ave Maria Pastorate now have a combined website. This website will no longer be updated and will be removed in the future. Please go to our pastorate website for news on all of our parishes. Call the parish office at 605.886.4049 for assistance.
Prayer to Our Lady of the
Immaculate Conception
O most Holy Virgin, immaculate in body
and spirit, look kindly on me as I implore
your powerful intercession.
O most Holy Mother, receive my prayers
as I present them to God.
(state your intentions here)
O Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
you intercede for us with your Son.
O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Mother Mary, Pray for us!
Welcome to
Immaculate Conception Parish
"A family of faith, fully alive in Christ, journeying to heaven."
We invite you to worship with us!
Weekend Mass Times: Sat 4PM (Even months) or Sun at 9AM & 11AM
Daily Mass Times: Tues 12:10PM, Wed 8AM, Thurs 8AM, Fri 9AM, Sat 8AM (1st & 3rd Sat)
Sat: 3 - 4PM (Even months); Tues, Wed, Thurs: Following Daily Mass
Father Shaun Haggerty, Pastor
309 2nd Ave SE Watertown, SD 57201
Parish Office 605.886.4049
It is our desire at Immaculate Conception Parish to journey with you into a deeper more personal relationship with Christ and His Church. We invite you to worship with us each weekend, join us in opportunities of spiritual growth and to reach out if you are new to the community and have any questions. We look forward to walking this journey to heaven with you.
Ave Maria Pastorate
Ave maria pastorate News
God Calls Good Men, Help Them Answer
Who in this parish do you think would make for a priest? Who do you think embodies the characteristics below? Click on the "God Calls Good Men" below and answer the 2 questions. Remember to include them in your prayers, praying that they might know the vocation God has planned for their lives.
Attends Mass regularly
Heart of Service
A Leader
Enjoys his Catholic Faith
You’d be happy if he was your priest
A Healthy, Happy, Holy Man of God
Articulate Speaker
Immaculate Conception Parish Information
Parish Vision: "A parish family of faith,
fully alive in Christ, journeying to heaven."
As a parish family we strive to learn about and journey with each induvial. It is our desire to help all we encounter desire a deeper personal relationship with Christ and His Church. We offer a number of opportunities for each age group to grow in their faith and learn how to share the faith with others. We invite you to check out some of the formation opportunities we currently provide by clicking on the tabs below. We also offer a number of opportunities to allow you to use your gifts to serve God and His Church by our different Parish Ministries; check out these ministries by clicking on the links above. We also invite you to stop by our office to visit in person at 309 2nd Ave SE.
I.C. Parish Census
As we strive to keep everyone informed during the upcoming Set Ablaze transition, we ask that you help us by making sure we have your most current information; especially your Mailing Address, Email Address and Phone Number. Please see below for more information.
Click here for more information about the census
Youth Grades K-8
Youth 9-12
Youth Sacraments
Young Adult Ministries
Adult Formation Opportunities
Becoming Catholic
National Eucharistic Revival
We invite you to join us to deepen your faith
through the gift of Eucharistic Adoration
Held in the Immaculate Conception Chapel.
8:30AM - 8PM on Wednesdays
Eucharistic Revival
"Behold, I make all things new"
Revelation 21:5
Our world is hurting. We all need healing, yet many of us are separated from the very source of our strength. Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith in the celebration of the Eucharist. The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to restore understanding and devotion to this great mystery here in the United States by helping us renew our worship of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
Diocesan Information
Set Ablaze is a two-year comprehensive structural and pastoral planning process that will enable the Diocese of Sioux Falls to move from a position of slow decline to a position of growth—growth through missionary discipleship. Our goal is to discern how to best align the gifts of our priests, deacons, religious and lay faithful, along with our resources (human, physical and financial), so that we might see a resurgence of vibrant parishes, reenergized priests and leaders, and Catholics Set Ablaze with the love of God.
God's Vision for Eastern SD
In prayer, Bishop DeGrood received a vision of Lifelong Catholic Missionary Discipleship Through God’s Love for the people of the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls.
Will you join the mission?
Immaculate Conception School
Education is one of the most important decisions any parent can make for their child. At Immaculate Conception School our Mission is to nurture a lifelong commitment and love for the Catholic faith through prayer, sacraments, and service and to provide an environment of academic excellence in which our students can achieve their highest personal potential. Immaculate Conception school is a destination of excellence for children Preschool through 6th grade.